Frequent questions
How can I order a product?
You can order using our page. When you find a product, you add it to the cart, log in and fill in the order process data, finally you can pay with credit or debit cards and PayPal. Once the order is ready, you will receive a summary of the order in your email. The order summary will also be stored in your account within the page.Why should I buy from the page?
To speed up the process from when you buy the product until it reaches your home. By ordering online, you will get prices faster and you can go through the confirmation and checkout process more efficiently.In order to track your order, you will have easy access to your account from our page.
What payment methods can I use?
You can use all major credit cards. You can also use the PayPal platform.What should I do if the payment is not accepted?
You can try again in a moment and after refreshing the page. If the payment is still not accepted, write to to inform us about the problem, so we can manage the order manually.How much are the shipping costs?
Can I cancel my order?
If you want to cancel your order, do it as soon as possible. If the order has already been processed, contact us at to make the return manually.
Can I track my order?
We will send you the shipping tracking code to your email once the order has been shipped. You can track it by logging in and using the same code on our page.
Can I change the shipping address?
You can change the shipping address in your account. Just log in and click on "my account" and "edit". You can also change the shipping address during the checkout process. Just click "edit" under "shipping address".
What if I want to return or change a product?
You can see our policy of exchanges and returns here.
Where else can I find Bonita?
For now, we are only online. Soon there will be more points of sale.
If you have an additional question, contact us here.